Scientists unearth Indian dancing frog's secretive tadpoles
Mar 31,2016 , 10:37 PM IST
New Delhi: From the streambeds in the Western
Ghats of India, an international team of scientists has unearthed a
species of tadpole that burrows through sand and lives in total darkness
until they fully develop into froglets. The tadpole of the Indian
Dancing Frog family, Micrixalidae, was the only family of frogs and
toads for which the tadpoles remained a mystery.
They were discovered and documented
by a group of scientists from the University of Delhi, University of
Peradeniya in Sri Lanka, and Gettysburg College in US. "We provide the
first confirmed report of the tadpoles of Indian Dancing Frog family.
These tadpoles probably remained unnoticed all these years because of
their fossorial nature, which in itself is a rare occurrence in the
amphibian world," said S.D. Biju, professor at the University of Delhi.
Genetically identified as Micrixalus
herrei, these tadpoles are endowed with muscular eel-like bodies with
extensive tail musculature that aids them in underground movements. The
findings, published in the journal PLOS ONE, showed that these tadpoles
inhabit interstitial spaces within sand and make gravel beds of forest
streams, starting from very early to late tadpole stages.
Their eyes are covered with skin,
which facilitates burrowing through gravel beds as well as provide them
protection from abrasion. They lack teeth but have well-serrated jaw
sheaths, which may help prevent large sand grains from entering the
mouth while feeding and moving through sand.
Their gut contains small sand grains
together with decaying organic matter, which acts as a nutrient
source.Presence of lime sacs or endolymphatic sacs was also found in
these tadpoles, which acts as a source of calcium carbonate for tadpoles
and juveniles. The Indian Dancing Frogs were also found to typically
wave their legs as a territorial and sexual display while sitting on
boulders in streams.
secretive tadpoles
couldnot have survived darwins theory to get deep into sand and gravel;over generations ,to prove survival of fittest theory ;
to get skin to cover their eyes and other special features as per survival of fittest theory could have taken many generations ,and they would not have survived

POOR MAN CONDEMNED TO ETERNITY AND MORE INSIDE HIS GRAVE[inside a church-at Westminster Abbey] RUMINATING HIS MISTAKES .will he survive his grave inside the church to prove something again?
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